
Hello, World!


This marks the start of my personal blog, I hope to use this as a place to share the things I'm working on, and I hope it can be a valuable resource to someone in the future.

I've always been interested in blogs, to me, they are one of the most interesting forms of content on the internet, they can range from pure entertainment to incredibly in-depth research on topics you wouldn't even begin to imagine. As someone who has learned computer science and programming almost entirely on their own, blogs have provided more value than I have found in many of my teachers.

At this point I feel I have something of my own to contribute. And beyond that, I feel ready to explain the things I am doing, and in a way that is (hopefully) understandable to others in a meaningful way.

What will I share on here?

I will mostly write about the things I work on day-to-day, for starters, how I made this blog. I also have another web-based project going privately that I'd like to share as I continue development. hopefully this will be more inspiration for me to cover more educational topics as opposed to only functional ones, as I feel it may be more worth doing if I can share.

Algorithms also interest me, so I plan to write about a few of those.

What languages will be used here?

What are those fancy code blocks?

I'm glad you asked :)

let a_variable = "They even have syntax highlighting";
println!("{}", a_variable);